Startup Speed Dating

Get to know startups and find your perfect match!

Do you want to engage with motivated students from diverse backgrounds? Or are you looking to interact with some of Switzerland’s most exiting startups? Whether you are a founder or a student, our Startup Speed Dating is the right event for you! Startup Speed Dating provides a hub for exchange between students and startups. Our mission is to encourage students to explore entrepreneurship as a career option, and to interface with startups that match their interests. At the beginning of the Startup Speed Dating event, each startup will present a 30-second pitch to an audience of 120 highly skilled, carefully selected participants. Following a matching process, participants will engage in 3 and startups in 10 rounds one-on-one speed dates with each other, each lasting 6 minutes. An apéro will be served throughout the evening to keep mingling and networking.

Premium Startups

Premium Startups

Startups Spring Semester 2024 Edition



The SSD is a unique opportunity to get access to some of the most driven talent at ETH and beyond. Here we got to know some amazing people that work for us now, like Václav.

David Haber

CEO & Co-Founder of Lakera

Participation at SSD is highly recommended. Startups get the opportunity to meet extremely dedicated and smart minds from Switzerland’s best universities.

Liliane Ableitner

Co-founder of Exnaton

Through the SSD I got to talk to some inspiring founders and their startups: an opportunity you don’t have very often. I am now working at Lakera, a leading AI safety startup I met at my first SSD!

Václav Volhejn

Applied ML Scientist at Lakera

SSD was always awesome. From going there twice we found several persons who we extended offers / hired later. Highly efficient, recommended!

Max Ahnen

Co-Founder & COO of Positrigo

Fostering entrepreneurship among students.

Built with ❤️ by ETH Entrepreneur Club

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InCubeLaunchF*ckup NightsStartup Speed Dating



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